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CAPE Mentors Safeguarding Policy

Here at CAPE Mentors we believe it is unacceptable for anyone to experience abuse of any kind. We understand the responsibility we have to safeguard each and every child we work with. We do this by creating a safe, predictable and consistent environment for our children to thrive and express themselves in. Our clear guidance (available upon request) ensures all CAPE Mentors staff, representatives, and volunteers understand how to safeguard themselves and the children we work with.

Disclosure and Barring Service checks are completed and monitored for all staff. Additionally, periodic safeguarding training is provided to ensure we keep up to date with best practice. 

CAPE Mentors knows that:

CAPE Mentors seeks to safeguard children and young people by:

We promise all CAPE Mentors staff will:

We understand that every child we work with is entitled to confidentiality so all information we record about them will be treated carefully, be kept safe and only shared with those people who need to know.

If you have any more questions regarding safeguarding at CAPE Mentors please email