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Find out about our impactful mentoring programme and get in contact so we can help your children achieve.

Transformative and impactful mentoring

We offer consistent, fun and personalised mentoring designed around the interests and goals of the students we are referred.

​We provide opportunities and experiences your students could not access themselves. 

Our mentoring programmes are underpinned with a clear and co-designed purpose. This boosts engagement as children are aware of what they are gaining from collaboration with us.

​This mentoring approach was piloted at a PRU within Islington. Ofsted commented students were “…mentored effectively to promote their mental resilience and personal independence.”

Click on the link below to get in contact with us to schedule a call so we can work out how our mentoring programme can support the children you work with.

CAPE has had a significant impact on the young person they’ve supported, providing valuable and consistent support during a difficult period of instability for the young person.

Hartley Lloyd Pack Virtual School Teacher, Hackney